The next reading is coming up on Tuesday, August 16, 2016. Doors at 7 pm, and it's gonna rule. The line up is stellar! In the first of the three part of these "Meet Readers" we have Yi Shun Lai (LA) and Suzanne Bottelli (Seattle). Check back for more from Stephanie Barbé Hammer & Ramona Shore, and Max Oliver Delsohn & Natasha Marin in the coming days.
Fine print: The Den is a bar, so event is 21+. No cover.

YI SHUN LAI is a writer and editor living in southern California. She is the nonfiction editor for the Tahoma Literary Review. Her debut novel, Not a Self-Help Book: The Misadventures of Marty Wu, is out now from Shade Mountain Press.
What are you reading at Loose Leaf on 8/16?
I'll be reading from my novel, Not a Self-Help Book: The Misadventures of Marty Wu. It's a story about an alternate American experience, and folks seem to think it's easily relatable. (Live readings are great. They give you a really accurate idea of what resonates and what doesn't!)
Who’s a writer you’re stoked on right now? What’s exciting about their work?
Although I read her book Wives of Los Alamos months ago, I'm still noodling over it in my head: Tara Shea Nesbit did something amazing in this book, and I'm still picking apart just how she did it.
Is there a quote / soundtrack for how your week is going?
While I was at a coffee shop in New York the manager insisted on playing the entire soundtrack to "Cats." I left after "Jellicoe songs to Jellicoe cats," but I still have the overture stuck in my craw. So yeah.
Anything coming up for you in the near future?
We're still reading submissions for Tahoma Literary Review until August 31, so I'm looking forward to seeing more wonderful essays come across my desk. And my work-in-progress is burning a hole in my brain, so I need to start drafting some more scenes, stat!
Where can we find you online?
Find me and my earworms on Twitter @gooddirt.
And I'm trying desperately to keep up with my web site/blog:
I'm a ShelterBox Response Team member. Learn more about what I do at

What are you reading at Loose Leaf on 8/16?
I'm going to read a few poems from my chapbook and a few new poems as well.
Who’s a writer you’re stoked on right now? What’s exiting about their work?
I have been (re)reading the amazing and now suddenly gone C.D. Wright. I've also been learning a lot from Roger Reeves and Robin Coste Lewis and Don Mee Choi. Choi's Hardly War takes a fascinating approach to blending historical artifact and personal history. She challenges me to think a lot more deeply about the language embedded in the "noise" of our upbringing.
Is there a quote / soundtrack for how your week is going?
A few weeks ago I saw Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing and then Straight Outta Compton, back to back. I'm still thinking about them and about how little has changed in the realities those films depict.
Anything coming up for you in the near future?
I've been traveling a lot this year, on a long awaited sabbatical from my teaching. I'm excited to be home now to carry forward some of what I've been writing and thinking about.
Where can we find online?
Here's a podcast about my chapbook from Jenn Fitzgerald's Chapbookapalooza series for New Books in Poetry.
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