The next reading is coming up on Tuesday, August 16, 2016. Doors at 7 pm, and it's gonna rule. The line up is stellar! In the second of the three part of these "Meet Readers" we have Ramona Shore (Seattle) and Stephanie Barbé Hammer (LA / Coupeville). Check back for more from Max Oliver Delsohn & Natasha Marin in the coming days. If you missed the first installment from Yi Shun Lai and Suzanne Bottelli, you can read it here.
Fine print: The Den is a bar, so event is 21+. No cover.

RAMONA SHORE is a local musician seemingly dedicated to being someone who recreates that feeling when you’ve just met and had a real conversation a little too soon for comfort but aren't sorry you did.
What are you playing at Loose Leaf on 8/16?
I will be playing a few original songs for you.
Who’s a writer you’re stoked on right now? What’s exiting about their work?
Right now I am pretty excited about Hannu Rajaniemi who wrote the Quantum Thief series. His writing style is very immersive and a little difficult for what is essentially a fun sci-fi mystery series and it took me a while to realize that, in the vein of snowcrash, he's one of those writers that is re-mapping the way we conceptualize and talk about our possible future with tech.
Is there a quote / soundtrack for how your week is going?
"The days are long but the years are short." With a bit of a running remix of 'I'm Your Man' by Leonard Cohen/'Harder Faster' the Kanye remix and Aerodynamic -- I guess it's a Daft Punk kind of week
Anything coming up for you in the near future?
Where can we find online?
My music can be found at:
What are you reading at Loose Leaf on 8/16?
I'm reading a bit of a new flash fiction piece that is appearing in the James Franco Review 2 days after the reading!
Who’s a writer you’re stoked on right now? What’s exiting about their work?
I'm a huge fan of the writing by Ryka Aoki. Ryka is a poet, novelist, essayist, and LGBTQ activist. I love how she is continually gesturing towards the utopian and towards abundance. That seems really politically important and exciting to me right now.
Is there a quote / soundtrack for how your week is going?
I keep on hearing an old Le Tigre track for a kohls commercial and it reminds me what a wonderful band they were. It's called HOT TOPIC and it's great.
Anything coming up for you in the near future?
Poem about mental illness coming out in INCANDESCENT MIND and working on my next novel. Stay tuned for the James Franco Review piece and hope you'll submit something to them!
Where can we find online?
I've got stories and poems and nonfiction all over the place. But here's one of my favorite stories -- published originally in Square Lake.