The next reading is coming up on Tuesday, August 16, 2016. Doors at 7 pm, and it's gonna rule. The line up is stellar! In the third and final of these "Meet Readers" we have Max Delsohn and Natasha Marin both of Seattle. If you missed the first installment from Yi Shun Lai and Suzanne Bottelli, you can read it here, and the second set with Ramona Shore and Stephanie Barbé Hammer here.
Fine print: The Den is a bar, so event is 21+. No cover.

MAX OLIVER DELSOHN is a non-binary writer living in Seattle, Washington. His creative nonfiction has been published in Seattle University's Fragments and Cutbank Literary Magazine. He holds a B.A. in Creative Writing from Seattle University and works at front desk at the Hugo House. When he was 5 years old a duck bit his finger at Legoland.
What are you reading at Loose Leaf on 8/16?
I'm going to read a piece about my experience working in customer service. It's called "Nice to Trans You."
Who’s a writer you’re stoked on right now? What’s exiting about their work?
Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore. I just finished her memoir, The End of San Francisco. Her commitment to telling the truth, both in her writing and her activism, guides me unlike anything else right now. And the way she innovates with language and form-- it's a fearless, beautifully written book. It's a deeply-needed sock in the teeth to the cowardice, gaslighting, and selfishness that dominates so much of American culture. Mattilda's work just makes you smarter, I'm convinced.
Is there a quote / soundtrack for how your week is going?
This was a big week for me, as I told my parents I've started testosterone therapy. Thankfully, they were supportive! As someone with obsessive-compulsive disorder, though, it's particularly exhausting for me to wade through my obsessive doubts to confidently assert who I am and what I want. So my soundtrack for the week is the song "Existential Crisis Hour!" by Kilo Kish played on repeat for 45 minutes, then a combination of songs by DoNormaal, Sia, and Nicolas Jaar so I can find my way back to joy.
Anything coming up for you in the near future?
Right now I'm deep in the hellscape that is submitting to literary journals. I'm also continuing to work on a web series with my friend Alex Masuoka. It's a dark buddy comedy called "Kicking Air."
Where can we find you online?
My Twitter handle is @happygimme. I'm also on Instagram, Facebook, etc.

NATASHA MARIN is a poet and interdisciplinary artist. Her written work has been translated into several languages and has been showcased in exhibitions, performances and events around the world. She is a Cave Canem fellow and a Hedgebrook alum who has been published in periodicals like Feminist Studies, African American Review, and The Caribbean Writer. She received grants from the City of Austin, Artist Trust, and the City of Seattle for community projects involving text-based, visual, performance, and multimedia art.
What are you reading at Loose Leaf on 8/16?
If I were to surround myself with crystal balls in the shape of a pentagram, I still wouldn't know. I am very likely to decide as I step up to the mic. I have always been a big fan of the "anti-performance" ...
Who’s a writer you’re stoked on right now? What’s exciting about their work?
I'm excited to read Quenton Baker's forthcoming book. Quenton isn't afraid to make people feel uncomfortable by speaking eloquently and frankly about anti-black racism.
Otherwise, I do most of my reading on social media. It makes me sad to admit, but it's true.
Is there a quote / soundtrack for how your week is going?
Thousands of racist trolls attacking me because they don't have the same grasp of the English language as I do, has made me very tired.
The quote would be "Can I live?"
The soundtrack would be "This Used To Be My Playground" on loop.
Anything coming up for you in the near future?
I will be relaxing in an overwater villa in the Caribbean soon. I can't wait. I deserve this so much. We all do!
Where can we find online?
These days? Any of the following keyword searches will be a rich Google harvest:
"Natasha Marin"
"Natasha Marin Seattle"
"Natasha Marin Reparations"
Please note: I am not Cheech Marin's wife, the concert pianist.
Author of Milk, Creator of #WomanCentered, Red Lineage, & Miko Kuro's Midnight Tea